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1 Chlorine Tablets For Swimming Pools

COMPARE TO BIOGUARD�, SUN�, GUARDEX�, RX CLEAR�, AND PACE�. Every 1 inch tablet weighs 1/2 ounce, and is slow-dissolving. Our 1 inch tabs provide 90% available chlorine! Same outstanding quality as our 3 inch tabs, but they�re faster dissolving for more immediate results. Stop bacteria and algae growth in its tracks. They're stabilized against the sun's destructive UV rays, preventing swimming pool chlorine burn-off. The chlorine is locked in the pool water so you use less swimming pool chemicals. Great for floating chlorinators and automatic feeders. Fresh uncontaminated chlorine wrapped in 2-lb. bags for easy handling. 99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione.
Price: 29.98
